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SEIYO Terms and Agreements

Southeast Indiana Youth Orchestra Inc., Is a non-profit organization that serves to culture and grow students musically while developing skills that will help prepare them for any future job or career.  as such, we have a high level of expectation of our students.  All students are welcome to join, provided they can meet the qualifications.  You do not need musical knowledge to audition, and we are happy to assist with finding an instrument.  By joining this group, you are agreeing to pay the fees and be at rehearsals and concerts. 

Rehearsals are very important to the development of your student as a musician.  There are approximately 10 practice sessions in a semester's orchestra season.  Two unexcused absences will be all that a student is permitted to miss.  More than two absences, without the conductor's consent, will result in the student's forfeit of playing in the session's concerts.  If you have a medical or family emergency, please communicate with the conductor.

We highly recommend music lessons to participate in SEIYO.  If you already have a teacher, please continue to use them.  If you need assistance in finding a teacher, we will do our best to help you find one.  

Students are expected to practice their orchestra music outside of orchestra, with a minimum 1 hour per week.  Student's should use this time to work through difficult passages of music.

We have been very fortunate to have other organizations allow us to use their facilities, we do not take this lightly.  Because of this, we expect our students to be on their best behavior.  Students are expected to clean up their places, and to behave responsibly with their instruments and with others' instruments.

Bad behavior, either to the facilities, or to other orchestra members can result in a dismissal from the group.

SEIYO is not responsible for damage caused to instruments by the student's irresponsibility.  

Concert attire are black shirts, and black bottoms.  Leggings and jeans are not acceptable.  All pants must go to the floor, all dresses must be knee length or lower.

© 2021 SEIYO Site Design by Denise Rose

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